Swam 3 times (Mon, Tues, Thurs): 6,000m, 2hour and 38 mins
Biked 4 times (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat): 199.79 km, 7 hours and 41 mins
Ran 2 times (Sat and Sun): 25.15 km, 2 hours and 30mins
Weight training once (Tuesday)
This week started off behind the 8 ball as I ran the Midsummer Night 30k on Saturday night and my recovery days took away from my running. My body is definitely feeling the effects of the training and I'm tired, hungry and sore most of the time. This week I accomplished 2 major goals.
First, I finally got myself to Absolute Endurance and into their endless pool for a stroke analysis and swim session with Kyle. I definitely should have done this long ago but at least I have done it now. I have purchased 4 more session with Kyle and will see him again on Tuesday. Given that I have not been in a master's program or have had any real instructions on my technique, there is much room for improvement. I'm looking forward to my coached sessions with Kyle.
Second, I completed a 4,000m open water continuous swim! Thursday this week was perfect conditions and with my buddy Carole at my side on the SUP board, I swam from the base of Silverbirch to Woodbine Beach and back. The water was perfectly cool, crystal clear and calm. It was a huge confidence booster to know that I can do my Ironman swim with no problem! I'm looking forward to doing the swim again on the Holiday Monday!
The last two highlights of the week were meeting my triatlete hero Chrissy Wellington. Her book is an inspirational read!
I should call my Blog LK Smiles |
and riding the Muskoka 70.3 bike course for the second time.
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with club-mates Dushan, Irisz, Jayson, Chad and Myndi |
I had planned on riding the bike course and the run course but we got a late start in the morning and it was hot and humid so I bailed on the last 21k of the ride. So technically I did not get a long enough ride in this week but I feel like the intensity of my bike workouts this week, including the very difficult Muskoka course makes up for it.
A not so great moment in training this week was my very sucky long run on Sunday. I had wanted to run 2:30 but only managed to get just over 2 hours done. Again I had a late start in the morning and was tired and dehydrated from the Muskoka ride the day before. The first 10 km were great. Then I got a very painful stitch in my side and had to walk/run the remainder. It wasn't pretty. Mentally, for the first time, I started to doubt my ability to complete an Ironman. Luckily I'm over that now, putting week 6 behind me and looking happily at week 7.
My key training goals for this coming week:
- Continue to improve my swimming with the coaching of Kyle
- Join my club mates for hill repeats on Brimley on Tuesday
- Nail my long ride of 5 - 5:30 hours with Christina on Thursday
- Try to enjoy a LSD of 2:15- 2:30 on the weekend
10 weeks is no time at all!
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